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2015 Bookseller Resource Guide
November/December 2003
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Collecting Christmas
George Meredith's collection of Art and Literature
"I was never interested in Christmas light bulbs. I was more interested in T.S. Eliot."
To Catch a Thief
The ABAA Security Chair on the trail of a rogue collector
"I've been threatened, bullied, and harassed, making new enemies in Africa, Indonesia, the former Soviet bloc and all across America. I've had legal papers served on me by Internet bullies, threats of violence left on my answering machine, and I've even chased thieves out of my own store, across two parking lots and down three alleys. It's not a lifestyle I'd recommend to anyone..."
A Whale of a Town
New Bedford's Literary Legacy
"First we have Moby Dick, Moby Dick, and more Moby-Dick (with and without the hyphen). Moby-Dick, the novel; Moby-Dick, the annual marathon reading of Herman Melville's book; Moby Dick, the comic book; Moby Dick, the movie..."
In Retrospect
Cultural Magazine Collections
"With a category so unfamiliar, I customarily must explain it at least twice, even to a bookseller eager to unload his inventory."
A Book Collector to the End
The Diary of Michael Floy, Jr., Book Collector
"He was never too ill to roam the bookshops. On August 8, 1836, he wrote, "Beautiful day...Able to walk about, but weak, no appetite. Got Dwight's Theology, 6 vols., Eng. edition, $5."

news from the book world, catalog and auction reviews, and a review of The Book of 101 Books, a survey of collectible photography books. See the complete table of contents for more details.